Sesame NYC Family

For NYC pre-k families!
Let's Be Friends!
  • Video
  • What Is a Friend?

    Friends share and play together. What else do friends do together?

  • Video
  • Making Friends

    To make new friends, some children start by saying hello and speaking gently. What do you say when you want to make a friend?

  • Game
  • Train Track Engineers

    Build a train track so engineer Elmo can pick up his friend Grover.

  • Video
  • We’re All the Same

    People may seem very different from each other, but everyone is the same in some way. How are you the same as one of your friends?

  • Video
  • Chair Sharing

    The cavemen work hard to find a way to share. Tell about a time that you found a way to share.

  • Video
  • We Worked It Out!

    Snuffy and Big Bird want to play together, but they want to play different games. How do they work it out?

  • Video
  • Gnorks Play Square Ball

    After waiting for an invitation to play, Herbie asks if he can play! Tell about a time you joined friends who were playing.

I’m a Good Friend

Friends are special people. Think about what makes a good friend. Talk about different ways that you play with your friends and show them that you care. Then make a poster to show one special way that you’re a friend!


Think of ways you like to play with a friend. How do you help each other? When do you share or take turns?

Sometimes it’s easy for friends to get along, but not always. What do you do if you and your friend want to play with the same toy? What if you want to play different games?


Start your poster. Work together to write the title at the top: I’m a Good Friend When I…

Draw a picture of something you do that makes you a good friend.


Work together to finish your poster. You may want to add writing to describe your drawing or include decorations.

Share at School

You made a friendship poster! Take it to school to share one special way you are a good friend.


Preschool is a great place for learning how to be a good friend. Children are building friendship skills like showing empathy, sharing, and resolving conflict. They need support and practice as they make friends and play and learn together.

Take a look at the learning inside Let’s Be Friends!


Friendship skills help children develop healthy relationships with peers and with trusted adults. You can practice these skills together at home.

• Take turns listening and talking with each other.
• Talk about different ways you share.
• Write a thank-you note to a good friend.
• Think and talk about someone else’s point of view.

Friendship Skills

Whether it’s a shy smile or a direct invitation, most preschool children begin to seek out friendships. Share and model strategies to help your child make and keep friends.

• Look at facial expressions for clues about feelings.
• Invite others to play with you.
• Join in play by focusing on the common activity.
• Take turns in order to share and to solve problems.


Use the Sesame media collection to spark lively conversations about your child’s friendships.

Kids Talking about Making Friends – Approaching new friends
What is a Friend? – Being a good friend
Gnorks Play Square Ball – Joining the game
We Worked It Out! – Resolving conflicts

I'm a Good Friend!

With this writing activity, your child will explore important school learning related to friendship:

• Being a friend
• Fair ways to play
• Expanding vocabulary

Share the finished friendship poster to connect the learning back to school!

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You're about to leave Sesame NYC Family. You can:

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Sesame NYC Family is brought to you by Sesame Workshop, the non-profit, educational organization behind Sesame Street. This all-in-one mobile experience helps you and your child explore teacher-selected preschool topics through media, hands-on activities, and parent supports.

From NYC Department of Education +

The activities and content on this site are intended for non-profit, educational use. The partnership between Sesame Workshop and the New York City Department of Education (DOE) is intended for educational purposes and does not constitute the DOE’s endorsement of Sesame Workshop, Sesame Street, or its products or services. In addition, the views and opinions expressed on this website are those of Sesame Workshop and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the New York City Department of Education.

How do I get to NYC Sesame Family? +

The Sesame NYC Family ‘virtual backpack’ of family resources is waiting for you online. Simply follow the link provided or copy and paste the site’s address into a web browser to access a world of shared learning, from your child’s pre-k program to you.

What's inside Sesame NYC Family? +

As a family, explore the same topics and skills that your child is exploring at school. In every teacher-selected bundle, you'll find:

• MEDIA: Explore the carefully-selected Sesame videos and games with your child. Use the conversation starters to spark a discussion about the topic and skills.
• HANDS-ON: Play and learn together with a simple hands-on activity. Don't forget to send it back to school to celebrate and share with your teacher!
• PARENT GUIDE: Get tips and ideas for supporting school readiness in your everyday routines.

Will the media and activities change? +

Sesame NYC Family is a dynamic site with content that updates throughout the year. Monthly topics extend learning from school. Visit the site regularly to enjoy new content and ideas for fun family learning.

When should we use Sesame NYC Family? +

The Sesame NYC Family experience is designed to fit your family’s busy schedule. The goal of the site is to support shared learning whenever you can, wherever you are. Any time you find a few moments, whether it’s waiting at the doctor’s office or quiet moments before bed, you can explore Sesame NYC Family together.

We suggest spending 15 minutes per week with the videos and games, and 15 minutes for hands-on learning. Ready for more ideas? Follow the link to

Can my child play independently, or do I need to be there? +

The main goal of Sesame NYC Family is to support shared learning experiences between you and your child, but that doesn’t mean your child can’t have fun on his own! Take time to visit the site together and use our conversation sparks to help talk about school learning. Afterwards, if your child is interested, he can reinforce the learning by replaying the videos and games independently.

What will I, as a parent, learn in Sesame NYC Family?+

Sesame NYC Family is as much for parents and the other caring adults in a child’s life as it is for your child. Parents and caregivers can:

• Learn about the topics and skills your child is exploring at school
• Explore media and hands on activities to promote shared learning at home and on the go
• Receive tips and strategies on helping your child learn and grow
• Be a more active partner with the teacher in your child's development
• Feel a stronger connection to your child's classroom community

Can I share Sesame NYC Family with other family members (grandparents, aunts/uncles, older siblings, babysitter, child care provider)?+

There may be several important adults in your child’s life who support her learning. We encourage you to share the Sesame NYC Family link with other family members to explore together with your child.

Can I access Sesame NYC Family on a smart phone, tablet, or other mobile device? What are the technical requirements?+

Sesame NYC Family is designed for play wherever you are – on a desktop computer or any mobile device (iOS or Android). All you need is an Internet connection to unpack the learning. Standard data rates apply.

We support the following browsers: Internet Explorer 8-11, Chrome 34, Firefox 30 and Safari 5+ on desktops. iOS 6.0+ on Safari, Android 4.0+ Android Browser and Android 4.0+ Chrome Browser on tablets and mobile devices.

Why do I see different games when I visit this site on different devices? +

Different devices support different technologies, so some games only play on certain devices. If you play a game on your desktop computer and later access the site through your tablet, you may not find that same game because the tablet doesn’t support it.

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  1. Please check it closely and try again.
  2. Not sure of the web address?Please connect through your classroom newsletter or ask your child's teacher.
Familia Sesame NYC

¡Para las families de Prekínder de NYC!
¡Seamos amigos!
  • Vídeo
  • What Is a Friend?

    ¿Qué es un amigo? Los amigos comparten cosas y juegan juntos. ¿Qué más hacen juntos los amigos?

  • Vídeo
  • Making Friends

    Para hacer amigos, algunos niños comienzan por decir “hola” y hablar con suavidad. ¿Qué dicen ustedes cuando quieren hacer un amigo?

  • Juego
  • Train Track Engineers

    Construyan unos rieles de ferrocarril, para que el ingeniero Elmo pueda recoger a su amigo Grover.

  • Vídeo
  • We’re All the Same

    Las personas se pueden ver muy distintas, pero todos somos iguales de alguna forma. ¿En qué son ustedes iguales a uno de sus amigos?

  • Vídeo
  • Chair Sharing

    Los hombres de las cavernas se esfuerzan por compartir su silla. Hablen de una ocasión en que encontraron la forma de compartir.

  • Vídeo
  • We Worked It Out!

    Snuffy y Big Bird quieren jugar juntos, pero quieren jugar juegos distintos. ¿Cómo solucionan el problema?

  • Vídeo
  • Gnorks Play Square Ball

    Después de esperar a que lo inviten a jugar, Herbie pregunta si puede jugar. Recuerden una situación en que empezaron a jugar con amigos que ya estaban jugando.

Soy un buen amigo

Los amigos son personas especiales. Piensen en las cosas que hacen a alguien un buen amigo. Hablen de distintas formas en que ustedes juegan con sus amigos y les muestran que les importa cómo se sienten ellos. Luego hagan un cartel que muestre una de sus formas especiales de ser amigos.


¿Pueden acordarse de una vez en que se sintieron muy sorprendidos, emocionados, frustrados o enojados? ¿Saltaron, respiraron profundamente (con la barriguita) o pidieron un abrazo? Hablen de cómo se pueden controlar las emociones “grandes”.


Comiencen a hacer el cartel. Juntos, escriban el título en la parte de arriba: “Soy un buen amigo cuando…”

Hagan un dibujo de algo que hacen y que muestra que ustedes son buenos amigos (como respetar los turnos).

Y luego…

Terminen de hacer el cartel juntos. Pueden escribir unas palabras para describir su dibujo o pueden decorarlo.

Compartir en la escuela

¡Hicieron un cartel sobre la amistad! ¡Llévenlo a la escuela para compartir una forma especial de mostrar que son buenos amigos!


El preescolar es un lugar excelente para aprender a ser buenos amigos. Los niños están aprendiendo destrezas para la amistad, como mostrar empatía, compartir y resolver conflictos. Ellos necesitan apoyo y práctica mientras hacen amigos, juegan y aprenden juntos.

Demos un vistazo a lo que se aprende en ¡Seamos amigos!

La amistad

Las destrezas para la amistad les ayudan a los niños a tener relaciones sanas con sus compañeros y con los adultos en quienes confían. Ustedes pueden practicar esas destrezas juntos en el hogar.

• Túrnense para escuchar al otro y para hablar con el otro.
• Hablen de las distintas formas en que comparten.
• Escriban una nota para darle las gracias por algo a un buen amigo.
• Piensen en el punto de vista de otra persona y hablen sobe eso.

Destrezas para la amistad

La mayoría de los niños en edad preescolar comienzan a buscar amistades, ya sea por medio de una sonrisa tímida o de una invitación abierta. Cuéntenle a su niño estrategias que le ayuden a hacer amigos y conservarlos, y muéstrenle con su ejemplo cómo se usan.

• Miren las expresiones faciales, que ofrecen pistas sobre las emociones de las personas.
• Inviten a otros a jugar con ustedes.
• Únanse al juego centrándose en la actividad que los demás están realizando.
• Túrnense para compartir y resolver problemas.

Usen los videos y juegos de Sesame para iniciar conversaciones animadas sobre las amistades de su niño.

Kids Talking about Making Friends – Cómo acercarse a los nuevos amigos
What is a Friend – Ser buenos amigos
Gnorks Play Square Ball – Unirse a un grupo que juega
We Worked It Out! – Resolver conflictos

¡Soy un buen amigo!

En esta actividad de escritura, su niño explorará conceptos importantes que se aprenden en la escuela sobre la amistad:

• Ser un amigo
• Formas de juego limpio
• Ampliar el vocabulario

¡Muestren el cartel terminado para conectar el aprendizaje con la escuela!

Está a punto de salir de NYC Familia Sesame™. Usted puede:

  1. Regresar a NYC Familia Sesame™ »

  2. with Ingresar al Departamento de Educación NYC »

Está a punto de salir de NYC Familia Sesame™. Usted puede:

  1. Regresar a NYC Familia Sesame™ »

  2. ¡Ingresar a Sesame Street para más aprendizaje divertido! »
Familia Sesame™

Sesame NYC Family is brought to you by Sesame Workshop, the non-profit, educational organization behind Sesame Street. This all-in-one mobile experience helps you and your child explore teacher-selected preschool topics through media, hands-on activities, and parent supports.

From NYC Department of Education +

The activities and content on this site are intended for non-profit, educational use. The partnership between Sesame Workshop and the New York City Department of Education (DOE) is intended for educational purposes and does not constitute the DOE’s endorsement of Sesame Workshop, Sesame Street, or its products or services. In addition, the views and opinions expressed on this website are those of Sesame Workshop and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the New York City Department of Education.

How do I get Sesame NYC Family? +

The Sesame NYC Family ‘virtual backpack’ of family resources is waiting for you online. Simply follow the link provided or copy and paste the site’s address into a web browser to access a world of shared learning, from your child’s pre-k program to you.

What’s inside Sesame NYC Family? +

As a family, explore the same topics and skills that your child is exploring at school. Each month, you’ll find:

• MEDIA: Explore carefully-selected Sesame videos and games with your child. Use the conversation starters to spark a discussion about the topic and skills.
• HANDS-ON: Play and learn together with a simple hands-on activity. Don’t forget to send it back to school to celebrate and share with your teacher!
• PARENT GUIDE: Get tips and ideas for supporting school readiness in your everyday routines.

Will the media and activities change?+

Sesame NYC Family is a dynamic site with content that updates throughout the year. Monthly topics extend learning from school. Visit the site regularly to enjoy new content and ideas for fun family learning.

When should we use Sesame NYC Family?+

The Sesame NYC Family experience is designed to fit your family’s busy schedule. The goal of the site is to support shared learning whenever you can, wherever you are. Any time you find a few moments, whether it’s waiting at the doctor’s office or quiet moments before bed, you can explore Sesame NYC Family together.

We suggest spending 15 minutes per week with the videos and games, and 15 minutes for hands-on learning. Ready for more ideas? Follow the link to

Can my child play independently, or do I need to be there?+

The main goal of Sesame NYC Family is to support shared learning experiences between you and your child, but that doesn’t mean your child can’t have fun on his own! Take time to visit the site together and use our conversation sparks to help talk about school learning. Afterwards, if your child is interested, he can reinforce the learning by replaying the videos and games independently.

What will I, as a parent, learn in Sesame NYC Family?+

Sesame NYC Family is as much for parents and the other caring adults in a child’s life as it is for your child. Parents and caregivers can:

• Learn about the topics and skills your child is exploring at school
• Explore media and hands on activities to promote shared learning at home and on the go
• Receive tips and strategies on helping your child learn and grow
• Be a more active partner with the teacher in your child’s development
• Feel a stronger connection to your child’s classroom community

Can I share Sesame NYC Family with other family members (grandparents, aunts/uncles, older siblings, babysitter, child care provider)? +

There may be several important adults in your child’s life who support her learning. We encourage you to share the Sesame NYC Family link with other family members to explore together with your child.

Can I access Sesame NYC Family on a smart phone, tablet, or other mobile device? What are the technical requirements?+

Sesame NYC Family is designed for play wherever you are – on a desktop computer or any mobile device (iOS or Android). All you need is an Internet connection to unpack the learning. Standard data rates apply.

We support the following browsers: Internet Explorer 8-11, Chrome 34, Firefox 30 and Safari 5+ on desktops. iOS 6.0+ on Safari, Android 4.0+ Android Browser and Android 4.0+ Chrome Browser on tablets and mobile devices.

Why do I see different games when I visit this site on different devices?+

Different devices support different technologies, so some games only play on certain devices. If you play a game on your desktop computer and later access the site through your tablet, you may not find that same game because the tablet doesn’t support it.